How Can You Clean Your Mouthguard at Home?


Mouthguards are the coverings to cover your teeth and protect them from multiple injuries you are likely to receive while playing. Moreover, these mouth guards can also minimize snoring and help to manage temporomandibular joint disorders.

Since you wear these coverings in your mouth, it becomes imperative to keep them clean. The professionals at beach dental care suggest keeping it hygienic from preventing bacteria accumulation and resulting in bad breath. You all must be aware that you should clean it after every use; however, the main question is – how? 

Scroll down and learn about different ways:

1. Soap and water:

This is an economical way of cleaning your mouthguard. You can follow three easy steps for an ultimate cleaning:

  • Wash your mouth guard with cold water and apply an alcohol-free soap.
  • Clean it with a toothbrush gently until it becomes soapy.
  • Finally, rinse the mouth guard to remove all the bacteria.

2. Hydrogen peroxide and vinegar:

The beach dental care specialists said that this is probably one of the best techniques for deep cleaning. After rinsing it with cold water, you need to put it in a glass and pour vinegar to cover the mouth guard. 

Let it stay as-is for around half an hour and rinse the mouthguard again. Furthermore, put it in the glass once again and pour hydrogen peroxide this time and let it rest for thirty minutes.

After doing it, you can rinse your mouthguard, and it’s ready for your next use.

3. Toothpaste:

This is another method that can fit into anyone’s budget. You require a soft bristle toothbrush and a non-abrasive toothpaste. The Beach Toronto Dentist professionals suggest using only a small amount of toothpaste.

You can apply the non-abrasive toothpaste on the toothbrush and start brushing your mouth guard gently. Moreover, you need to rinse the mouth guard afterward with cold water and let it dry for the next use.

4. Baking soda:

Baking soda is an all-time available ingredient. Of course, everyone uses it in the kitchen. However, it has special features of removing bad odors and debris.

Hence, you can follow the procedure we have mentioned below:

  • Prepare a paste by putting equal amounts of baking soda and water.
  • Apply the paste on a toothbrush and start brushing your mouthguard.
  • Once you are done with brushing, rinse it with cool water and put it to get dried.

5. Mouthwash:

Cleaning your mouth guard with an anti-microbial mouthwash gives the best results just like the beach dental care specialists’ techniques. However, you must keep one thing in mind to use an only alcohol-free mouthwash. 

Here is a step-to-step guide to getting deep cleaning with an anti-microbial mouthwash:

  • Wash your mouthguard with cold water to start the procedure.
  • Take an appropriate amount of mouthwash in a bowl, i.e., a cup full of mouthwash.
  • Add water to the mouthwash to dilute it. You can add enough water to cover the mouth guard.
  • Let the mouth guard rest in the diluted mouthwash for half an hour.
  • After thirty minutes, throw away the diluted mouthwash and rinse your mouth guard with cool water.
  • After rinsing it completely, let your mouth guard dry, and it’s ready for your next use.


Final words


The Toronto Beach dentist professional experts also suggest using OTC i.e., over-the-counter cleaners that are non-abrasive for deep cleaning. Moreover, you can use these OTC cleaners only if you are not sensitive to artificial fragrances or dyes.

The most vital part about this cleaning is the soaking time. You need to avoid prolonged soaking to prevent damages.


Mouthguards are the coverings to cover your teeth and protect them from multiple injuries you are likely to receive while playing. Moreover, these mouth guards can also minimize snoring and help to manage temporomandibular joint disorders.

Since you wear these coverings in your mouth, it becomes imperative to keep them clean. The professionals at beach dental care suggest keeping it hygienic from preventing bacteria accumulation and resulting in bad breath. You all must be aware that you should clean it after every use; however, the main question is – how? 

Scroll down and learn about different ways:

1. Soap and water:

This is an economical way of cleaning your mouth guard. You can follow three easy steps for an ultimate cleaning:

  • Wash your mouth guard with cold water and apply an alcohol-free soap.
  • Clean it with a toothbrush gently until it becomes soapy.
  • Finally, rinse the mouth guard to remove all the bacteria.

2. Hydrogen peroxide and vinegar:

The beach dental care specialists said that this is probably one of the best techniques for deep cleaning. After rinsing it with cold water, you need to put it in a glass and pour vinegar to cover the mouth guard. 

Let it stay as-is for around half an hour and rinse the mouth guard again. Furthermore, put it in the glass once again and pour hydrogen peroxide this time and let it rest for thirty minutes.

After doing it, you can rinse your mouthguard, and it’s ready for your next use.

3. Toothpaste:

This is another method that can fit into anyone’s budget. You require a soft bristle toothbrush and a non-abrasive toothpaste. The Toronto Beach dentist professionals suggest using only a small amount of toothpaste.

You can apply the non-abrasive toothpaste on the toothbrush and start brushing your mouthguard gently. Moreover, you need to rinse the mouth guard afterward with cold water and let it dry for the next use.

4. Baking soda:

Baking soda is an all-time available ingredient. Of course, everyone uses it in the kitchen. However, it has special features of removing bad odors and debris.

Hence, you can follow the procedure we have mentioned below:

  • Prepare a paste by putting equal amounts of baking soda and water.
  • Apply the paste on a toothbrush and start brushing your mouthguard.
  • Once you are done with brushing, rinse it with cool water and put it to get dried.

5. Mouthwash:

Cleaning your mouthguard with an anti-microbial mouthwash gives the best results just like the beach dental care specialists’ techniques. However, you must keep one thing in mind to use an only alcohol-free mouthwash. 

Here is a step-to-step guide to getting deep cleaning with an anti-microbial mouthwash:

  • Wash your mouthguard with cold water to start the procedure.
  • Take an appropriate amount of mouthwash in a bowl, i.e., a cup full of mouthwash.
  • Add water to the mouthwash to dilute it. You can add enough water to cover the mouth guard.
  • Let the mouth guard rest in the diluted mouthwash for half an hour.
  • After thirty minutes, throw away the diluted mouthwash and rinse your mouthguard with cool water.
  • After rinsing it completely, let your mouthguard dry, and it’s ready for your next use.


Final words

 The TorontoBeach dentist professional experts also suggest using OTC i.e., over-the-counter cleaners that are non-abrasive for deep cleaning. Moreover, you can use these OTC cleaners only if you are not sensitive to artificial fragrances or dyes.

The most vital part about this cleaning is the soaking time. You need to avoid prolonged soaking to prevent damages.

